The Uncle Rico’s Best Football Flub Throw Award - Fudge
The Uncle Rico’s Worst Football Flub Throw Award - Leyva
The Biggest Crybaby Award - Mike Anderson
The “I wish I was a baller” Award - Saeger
The Happy Learned How to Putt Award - Leyva
The Happy Didn’t learn how to putt Award - Bogert
The Worst Pig Performance Award - Mike Anderson
The Kingpin worst bowling performance Award - Thakur
The Kingpin Best Bowling Performance Award - Fudge
The Best 21 On The Run Performance Award - Bogert
The Forest Gump Best Ping Pong Performance Award - Leyva / Fudge
The Magic 8 Ball Best Pool performance Award - Leyva / Bogert
2019 Special Achievement Award
The Most Goose Egg (First Place Zero Points) Award - Bogert
The “Who is Gonna Be the Sorest tomorrow” Award - Leyva
The Terd Driver worst Irexican Performance Award - Saeger
The “Let’s Get Brett Hulled Most Goals Scored” Award - Saeger
The Amazing Golf Ball Whacker guy best 4 man Scramble Award - Mike Anderson / Schlick
The “Foosball is the Devil” Award for best Foosball performance - Mike Anderson / Fudge
The “Swimming with Sharks Dart Shark” Award - Schlick
The 3 Bar Champion Award - Bogert
The Honorary Franchiquita Stevens Lack of Commitment Award - Jeff Stevens
The hardest worker - most deserving of Soap on a Rope - Award - Bogert